Archive for December, 2009

Gifts That Give All Year Long

Friday, December 4th, 2009

Sometimes a one-time gift just isn’t what you are looking for.  You want something that will keep on giving throughout the year.  Enter the “Of the Month” clubs.  There is an incredible assortment of “Of the Month” clubs.

One of the more widely known is the “Fruit of the Month” club.  For a set fee your gift of fruit is delivered on a timetable of your choosing, once a month, every other month or 3 – 4 times a year.  Each delivery is a case consisting of one or more different fruits.  The fruits are sometimes exotic, sometimes seasonal, and always delicious.  They average around $30.00 – $40.00 per month.

For the hops and barley lovers that you are shopping for, there are numerous “Beer of the Month” clubs.  Also on a timetable of your choosing, your gift of two six-packs made up of 2-4 different beers from one of many domestic or international microbreweries is delivered.  Often the gift includes information on the breweries that the beers came from along with suggestions for foods that the beers will complement.  These beer clubs also average about $30-$40 per month.

For those people on your gift list who prefer the grape to hops and barley, there are “Wine of the Month” clubs where for about the same price as the fruit and beer you can send 2 bottles of wine from award winning wineries around the world.  You can specify all white, all red or a mix.

Cheese, sausage, pepperoni, ham and pineapple, you name it!  There are several sites that offer “Pizza of the Month” clubs for the pizza lover’s on your holiday list.  Most of these clubs send 3 -12″ pizzas, which are delivered frozen.  You will receive one deep dish and two thin crust pizzas each month.   Prices range around $40 – $50 per month.

Is the love of your life hooked on chocolate?  Then the “Chocolate of the Month” club is just what you’ve been looking for.  For less than $25 a month a one-pound box of some of the finest chocolate in the world will be delivered right to their door.

For those times you don’t want to send food or liquor there are the “Cigar of the Month” and “Flower of the Month” clubs also.  These would run you anywhere from $25 – $40 per month.  The “Flower of the Month” club will deliver a themed bouquet of fresh cut flowers and the “Cigar of the Month” club sends a selection of hand rolled cigars from around the world.

No matter what your gift giving needs you will probably be able to find a “club” that will suit you.  There is the “Pasta of the Month” club or the “Lobster of the Month” club.  You can choose from the Cheesecake or the Cookie of the month club.  You can opt for ice cream or salsa, coffee or tea, bbq or hot sauce and for those who prefer non-edibles the “Necktie of the Month” club and “Movie of the Month” club.

Holiday Gifts: Unusual Gifts

Thursday, December 3rd, 2009

When find yourself with someone on your holiday gift list who is difficult to buy for, sometimes your best bet is to go for something out of the ordinary.  Gifts that work to bring about harmony and peace in the environment are sure to please.  From simple gifts of  candles, crystals, and CD’s that play the soothing sounds of wind, rain and babbling brooks, to salt lamps, singing bowls and Zen sand gardens, the choices are plentiful.

You can choose jewelry made of amber, an organic gemstone that is professed to draw negative energy and turn it to positive energy leading to health and well being.   Most people, when they think of amber think of the honey colored or the milky white but amber can also be found in brown, red, blue, black and green.  You can also buy gifts of jewelry made out of the crystals for your astrological sign.  Chlorite quartz is another healing mineral said to cleanse ones aura and makes a gift that is beautiful to look at.

On the more unusual side would be a gift of a negative ion producing lamp made of salt crystal rock.  This rock  naturally ionizes the air by releasing negative ions (electronically charged molecules of oxygen) thereby removing things like pollen, dust and animal dander from the air.  The core of the piece of salt crystal is hollowed out then a light bulb is placed inside.  The resulting heat from the light bulb starts the ions flowing into the air.  Even if you aren’t interested in the healing qualities of the lamp, you end up with very pretty pieces to display on your dresser or end table.

We all know our moods and our health can be greatly affected by sound.  Dissonant , loud sounds cause tension and if too prolonged can cause ill health.  Other sounds energize the body and relax the mind.  Singing bowls fall into this category.  They are made from a mix of metals from the Himalayas, Tibet and India.  When you strike and/or rub the bowl with a wooden mallet the multi-octave tones that are produced will relax and heal your mind as well as your body.  Hand made bells called Rustic Noah Bells are believed to scare off bad spirits.  Hang them near your home for good energy.  The beautiful deep tone of the larger bells provides a superb sound to accompany your meditation.

In the Feng Shui shops you will also find a large selection of clothing to wear when meditating, books, videos, prayer flags and lots of different oils to energize the body mind and spirit.  You might also be interested in the Chakra Bears.  Legend says that when the sun shines through the mist in the Smokey Mountains it forms a beautiful rainbow.  Every twenty years this rainbow touches the earth and rainbow Chakra bears are born.   Each color has a different purpose.  For instance the blue bear will listen with endless patience while the yellow bear’s purpose is to make you successful.

Visit a store that specializes in Feng Shui products and you will find gifts of aromatherapy, incense, table top fountains, mirrors and plenty of books to explain the theories behind everything.

How The Price Of Your Holiday Gift Idea Does Not Matter

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009

If you were to ever go out and ask what someone’s biggest concern was when choosing their next holiday gift idea, you would find that the overall perception is one that price matters. That is to say, most everyone feels that the more something cost, the higher it’s value to not only the person purchasing the one who had the holiday gift idea, but also to the person who is to receive it. This perception could never be more further from the truth.

First off, when thinking of your next holiday gift idea, you must understand that money in and of itself is worthless. That is correct – the money you have to spend on a gift is worthless. Now, at first blow this might hit you as a bizarre statement that is hard to grasp, but stay with me. Think of this: If you were to go to another place where your currency was not accepted by the country you were visiting, what would you do?

Now I know what you are thinking: But I am not traveling to another country that does not accept money for items to purchase. This statement does not pertain to me. I am here to tell you that yes indeed it does, and here’s why: Even if you decide to give cash as the holiday gift idea to the recipient, is this -really- the gift in and of itself? No! The money is being given so that the recipient may buy something they really want. This is why gift cards have become such a hot commodity in our culture now more than ever before. It does not truly matter if it is $10, $25, $100 or even more – the fact of the matter is the reasoning and feelings behind it.

I do not know of one person who has ever opened their gift to find a gift card inside complain that it was only good for $10. Unless the person is truly shallow, the reaction I have seen towards this holiday gift idea is that of joy and surprise. To them, this is free money to one of their favorite places. And even if it won’t buy the expensive item they really want, it brings them closer to achieving that result.

However, let us not forget the physical holiday gift ideas as well. One thing I was taught by my own mother was that those who are wise know where to shop for deep discounts, but at the same time know when to keep quiet as to the price. Allow me to explain this statement a bit more. What my mother was saying is if you can find the item the person is wanting at a discount, don’t feel bad about it – just buy it. When you give the item away, it doesn’t matter how much it cost you. All that counts is the joy the item brings to the person receiving the holiday gift idea.

Some places that have become popular for buying your holiday gift ideas on-line at discount include the Amazon bookstore, Overstock warehouse and New Egg computer store. These options help buyers purchase holiday gift items at a great deal – sometimes quite a lot less that purchasing at retail prices. Yet the biggest secret of them all when coming up with holiday gift ideas are dollar stores.

Dollar stores have increased in popularity, and are always sprouting up almost as much as a new convenience store or fast food restaurant. What many people don’t realize is that your holiday gift ideas can quite often be found residing in these stores for ridiculous prices  way below their original price. There are those who don’t yet have these types of stores, so one last option exists for them: outlet malls.

An outlet mall is a great way to say on your holiday gift ideas. Whether it is name brand shoes, clothes, and even accessories such as watches, purses or perfume, you are sure to find some fabulous deals at these locations. But not only clothing is available – Electronic goods, books, and even children toys will be found awaiting the smart shopper. So remember, it’s not the price that counts with your holiday gift ideas, it is the meaning behind them.

Why Give a Gift Basket?

Tuesday, December 1st, 2009

The perfect gift for anyone is always a hard thing to do. Many people are afraid that they’ll give their friends or close family members the wrong thing for Christmas, their Birthday, or another holiday, yet they want to buy them something very special that says they care about them! If you have never thought about this before, but might want to try it, one suggestion for the next occasion that comes up is to buy gift baskets for the person in your life. In addition, if the gift goes over well then you may just need to start a tradition of buying gift baskets regularly for the special people in your life. However, if you’re not totally convinced that someone would love a gift baskets, here are a few reasons that it may just be the perfect gift:

You Have Choices

One good thing about trying to find gift baskets is that you typically always have choices when buying them. If you’re buying a pre-made gift basket, one that was put together and wrapped beforehand, you will still have the option of buying another small gift and including that in the gift basket as well! Furthermore, many businesses that sell gift baskets usually create a variety of packages so that their are choices for everyone. For example, one company may have multiple selections of women’s gift baskets, while another one only has limited varieties. Examining all of them, though, is a good idea to selecting the perfect one for your family or special friend.

They Offer Variety

Another reason why you may want to invest in a gift basket is because gift baskets usually offer variety that you can’t find anywhere else. There are so many items that may come in a gift basket that are just perfect for the person on your list. In addition, women and girl-friends typically love these types of gifts, so if you’re a guy trying to figure out what to get your sweetheart or your mother then you should just consider a gift basket.

Gift baskets are also creative if they’re given to the right person and for the right reasons. One option that you’ll always have is to actually create your own gift basket. During Christmas time one avenue that you may want to take up is actually making your own Christmas gift baskets. For example, you could fill a basket with different loaves of bread, like banana, pumpkin, or apple spice, along with including several other small types of gifts that are perfect for Christmas. Of course, pre-filled gift baskets are also usually readily available around this part of the year and holiday season, but choosing to be creative and making your own Christmas gift basket is something that many people choose to do.

As you can see, gift baskets are a great way to show the people in your life that you care and a great way to offer a variety of gifts instead of a single one. Gift baskets are usually always well received by their recipients as well, which is another reason why it makes them an awesome gift for any occasion!


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